
汉书-从《汉书·五行志》看刘歆的灾异观 ,对于想了解历史故事的朋友们来说,汉书-从《汉书·五行志》看刘歆的灾异观是一个非常想了解的问题,下面小编就带领大家看看这个问题。


绍兴文理学院中文系 浙江绍兴
【摘要】 从《汉书·五行志》所保存的资料看,刘歆解说灾异往往与董仲舒、刘向等人不同。刘歆常引《左传》解说灾异,常将批判的矛头指向人君,同时表现出重科学的倾向。刘歆喜好并精通《左传》,依附并感恩于外戚王莽,以及其执着于学术的性情等,使得刘歆解说灾异往往与众不同。
【关键词】 汉书; 五行志; 刘歆; 灾异现
Liuxin's Views on Calamities and Abnormal Phenonmena Based on the Records Preserved in WuXingZhi of HanShu
WU Cong-xiang
( Chinese Department of Shaoxing Arts and Science College; Shaoxnig 31200; China)
【英文摘要】 After the records preserved in WuXingZhi of HanShu were analyzed, it could be concluded that Liuxin' s views on calamites and abnormal phenomena were different from others like Dong Zhongshu and Liuxiang. When Liuxin explained calamites and abnormal phenomena, he always quoted Zuozhuan and criticized emperors. There were also some scientific thoughts showed in his explanations. Liuxin' s different explanations could be due to such factors as his liking of Zuozhuan, his standpoint on the side of Wangmang and...
【英文关键词】 Hanshu; WuXingZhi; Liuxin; views on calamites and abnonnal phenomena