
文学-纪念梅维恒教授六十华诞研讨会 ,对于想了解历史故事的朋友们来说,文学-纪念梅维恒教授六十华诞研讨会是一个非常想了解的问题,下面小编就带领大家看看这个问题。


2003年12月5-7日,在美国宾夕法尼亚大学召开了为纪念梅维恒教授而举办的“跨越中国边境的跨文化互动学术研讨会”(CROSSING THE BORDERS OF CHINA: A CONFERENCE ON CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTIONS IN HONOR OF PROFESSOR VICTOR H. MAIR),会议参加者有梅先生的学生、朋友和一些专家,发表文章的内容涉及梅先生研究的敦煌学、中外关系史等许多方面,这些论文将结集出版。现把会议日程和论文列出,供读者参考。后附笔者所编《梅维恒教授敦煌研究论着目录》,作为对他六十华诞的祝贺。
December 5, 12:00 PM-12:45
Opening Remarks
Changing the Rules of Scholarship to follow Victor Mair's Lead
Valerie Hansen, Yale University
December 5, 1:00-4:00
Chair: Hugh R. Clark
1.Canonizing and Civilizing: The Problem of Text on China's Borders
Sara Davis, Columbia University
2.Sabao and Sabo: A New Analysis of the Community Leaders of the Sogdians in the Northern, Sui, and Tang Dynasties
Rong Xinjiang, Peking University
3. Realism and Idealism in Yuanshi Chapters on Foreign Relations
Michael C. Brose, University of Wyoming
4.China in Eighteenth-Century France
Laura Hostetler, University of Illinois at Chicago
December 5, 4:30-6:45
Chair: Yang Jidong
1.The Han Dynasty and Silk Road: New Evidence from the Xuanquan Site near Dunhuang
Yang Jidong, University of Pennsylvania
2.The Beginnings of Buddhism at Dunhuang
Daniel Boucher, Cornell University
3.Narrative Legitimation of Space at Dunhuang
Neil Schmid, North Carolina State University
December 6, 9:00-12:00
Chair: Tansen Sen
1.Masquerading as Translation: Examples of the Chinese Lectures by Indian Scholar-Monks in the Six Dynasties Period
Funayama Toru, Kyoto University
2.Mahakasyapa and Kukuttapadagiri: From Magadha to Yunnan
Wang Bangwei, Peking University
3. New Look at the Formation of Chinese Tripitaka: Analysis of Shi Daoan Lu and Chu Sanzang Jiji
Tanya Storch, University of Pacific
December 6, 1:00-3:15
Chair: Michael C. Brose
1. A Note on the Tibetan Inscription at Lijiang, Yunnan
Takata Tokio, Kyoto University
2.China's Overseas Trade and the Religious Culture in the Minnan Region of Southern Fujian through the Middle Period (800 - 1450)
Hugh R. Clark, Ursinus College
3.Cross-cultural Misunderstanding: Failed Diplomacy and Military Conflict between the Liao, Song, Xi Xia, and Jin Dynasties
Peter Lorge, Vanderbilt University
4.The Yuan Khanate and India: Cross-cultural Diplomacy during the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries
Tansen Sen, Baruch College
December 6, 3:30-5:00
Chair: Daniel Boucher
1. A Lost Page in the History of State-Church Relationship at the Turn of the Eighth Century (700-713) : A Study of Huifan (d. 713), an 'Evil' Indian Monk in China
Jinhua Chen, University of British Columbia
2. Chinese Characters and the “Asian” Cognitive Style
William Hannas, Independent Scholar
December 7, 9:00-12:00
Chair: Neil Schmid
1.Shishi (Stone Rooms)
Nancy S. Steinhardt, University of Pennsylvania
2.Manipulating the Divine: The Influence of Chinese Empire on East Asian Temple Architecture
Tracy G. Miller, Vanderbilt University
3.Exotic Novelties from the West
E.R. (Kezia) Knauer, University of Pennsylvania
4.Of Tools and Access: Intercultural Transmission of Art and Technology along the Silk Road
Angela Sheng, Independent Scholar
Popular narratives from Tun-huang, Ph.D. Dissertation, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University, 1976. 敦煌通俗叙事文学作品
'Lay students and the making of written vernacular narrative: An inventory of Tun-huang manuscripts', Chinoperl Papers, 10, 1981, 5-96. 学仕郎与俗语叙述故事的抄写:敦煌写本目录
'The narrative revolution in Chinese literature: ontological presuppositions', Chinese Literature Essays, Articles, Reviews, 5.1-2, 1983, 1-27. 中国文学上的叙事革命:本体论的先决条件
'A newly identified fragment of the Transformation on Wang Ling', Chinoperl Papers, 12, 1983, 130-142. 一件新比定的《王陵变》残卷
Tun-huang popular narratives, London: Cambridge University Press 1983. 敦煌通俗叙事文学作品
“What is pien-wen?”, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 44.2, 1984, 493-514. 什么是变文
“Tun-huang wen-hsüeh [Literature]” (with Marsha Wagner), Nienhauser, et al., ed., Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, I, Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1986, 829-832. 敦煌文学
'Oral and written aspects of Chinese sutra lectures (chiang-ching-wen)', Chinese Studies 汉学研究, 4.2, 1986, 311-334. 讲经文的口头传承与抄写流传
'The origins of an iconographical form of the pilgrim Hsuan-tsang', T'ang Studies, 4, 1986, 29-41 + 7 pls. 旅行僧玄奘图像的起源
'Records of transformation tableaux (pien-hsiang)', T’oung Pao, 72, 1986, 3-43. 有关变相的记录
'Notes on the Maudgalyāyana legend in East Asia', Monument Serica, 37, 1986-87, 83-93. 东亚的目莲传说杂考
'A partial bibliography for the study of Indian influence on Chinese popular literature”, Sino-Platonic Papers, 3, 1987, iv+214. 关于印度对中国通俗文学影响问题的部分研究文献目录
'Tun-huang popular narratives', Asian Folklore Studies, 46.2. 1987, 273-286. 敦煌通俗叙事文学作品
'A brief conspectus of studies on Tun-huang transformation Texts', Journal of the Oriental Institute (Baroda), 37.1-2, 1987, 47-43. 敦煌变文研究概观
'Parallels between some Tun-huang manuscripts and the seventeenth chapter of the Kōzanji Journey to the West', Cahiers d'Etreme-Asie (Special issue on Dunhuang Studies in honor of Fujieda Akira), 3, 1987, 41-53. 一些敦煌写本与日本高山寺存西游记第十七章的对应文字
'The Buddhist tradition of prosimetric Oral Narrative in Chinese Literature', Oral Tradition, 3.1-2, 1988, 106-121. 中国文学中散韵相间的口头叙事文学作品的佛教传统
Painting and performance: Chinese picture recitation and its Indian genesis, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 1988. 绘画与表演: 中国的看图讲故事及其印度起源
'The contributions of T'ang and Five Dynasties transformation texts (pien-wen) to later Chinese popular literature', Sino-Platonic Papers, 12, 1989, 71唐五代变文对晚期中国通俗文学的贡献
“India and China: Observations on Cultural Borrowing.” Journal Asiatic Society, 31.3-4, Calcutta, 1989, 61-94. 印度与中国:对文化借用的考察
T'ang Transformation Texts. A study of the Buddhist contribution to the rise of vernacular fiction and drama in China, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Council on East Asian Studies, 1989. 唐代变文: 佛教对中国俗讲和戏剧产生的贡献之研究
'Dunhuang as a Funnel for Central Asian Nomads into China', Ecology and Empire:Nomads in the Cultural Evolution of the Old World,ed. Gary Seaman (Ethnographics/USC, Monograph 1),Los Angeles, 1989, 143-163. 中亚游牧民族进入中国的门户:敦煌
“Three Brief Essays Concerning Chinese Tocharistan (a. The Significance of Dunhuang and Turfan Studies; b. Early Iranian Influences on Buddhism in Central Asia; c. History of Chinese Turkistan in the Pre-Islamic Period)', Sino-Platonic Papers 16, 1990. 有关中国吐火罗斯坦的三篇札记:1. 敦煌吐鲁番研究的重要性;2. 早期重要佛教的伊朗文化影响; 3. 先伊斯兰时代西域史
'Tufan and Tulufan. The Origins of the Old Chinese Names for Tibet and Turfan', Central āriputra defeats the Six Heterodox Masters: Oral-visual aspects of an illustrated transformation scroll (P4524)”, Asia Major, third series, 8.2, 1995, 1-52+3 pls. 舍利弗与外道六师斗法:一件变文图卷的口头与视觉侧面
“The Khotanese antecedents of The Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish (Xianyu jing)”, Collection of Essays 1993: Buddhism Across Boundaries—Chinese Buddhism and the Western Regions, ed. Erik Zürcher et al., Sanchung, Twaiwan, 1999, 361-420. 《贤愚经》的于阗语前提
“On ‘transformationists’ (bianjia) and ‘jumbled transformations’ (laza bian): Two new sources for the study of ‘transformation texts’ (bianwen), with an appendix on the phonotactics of the Sinographic script and the reconstruction of old Sinitic”, India, Tibet, China: Genesis and Aspects of Traditional Narrative, ed. Alfredo Cadonna, Florence 1999, 3-70. 关于“变家”与“拉杂变”:“变文”研究的两条新史料
(资料来源:唐史网 http://www.tanghistory.net/data/articles/c02/71.html
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