
  虽然《权力的游戏》电视剧中不会出现石心夫人这个角色,不过原著作者George R.R. Martin还是坚持认为石心夫人这个角色重要。

  In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, the "A Song of Ice and Fire"writer lists off the characters he wish didn't get cut from the show. Among themare LSH, (spoilers) a.k.a. the reanimated Catelyn Stark. The reveal that BericDondarrian brought her back to life after finding her dead body outside theTwins is one of the biggest plot twists in the whole series, but it wasn't onethat made it to the small screen。


  When she was omitted from the TV show, many fans assumed that meant shedidn't have a significant role to play in the books. But Martin reiterates thatthere's more to come in the final two novels: "The Winds of Winter" and "A Dreamof Spring."

  很多观众以为石心夫人既然被电视剧把相关剧情删掉就肯定是个不重要的角色,不过M原作者Martin多次表示在即将出版的剩下两部小说《The Windsof Winter》和《A Dream of Spring》中,石心夫人将会有重要剧情。