


1. 《盘古开天辟地》


According to the ancient Chinese myth, Pangu is an important god of creation. His appearance marks the formation of the universe. According to legend, Pangu used his ax to separate the heaven and earth. The stars in the sky are said to be his eyes, and the mountains, rivers, and streams on earth are said to be his body. This story reflects the Chinese people's contemplation of the universe and the origin of life, and it is considered the starting point of Chinese mythology.

2. 《八仙过海》


"Ba Xian Guo Hai" is a legendary story in ancient Chinese mythology, which tells the story of eight immortals crossing the sea to save people. Each immortal has unique abilities and personalities. For example, Han Xiangzi is good at transformation, and Cao Guojiu is skilled in medicine. They encountered numerous difficulties at sea, but eventually overcame them through unity and cooperation, successfully rescuing people. This story emphasizes the importance of cooperation, wisdom, and teamwork.

3. 《女娲补天》


The story of "Nv Wa Bu Tian" is a beautiful and touching tale in ancient Chinese mythology. According to legend, humans initially lived in a dark world. Nv Wa, the ancestor of humanity, used five-colored stones to mend the cracks in the sky. Her efforts brought sunlight to the earth, allowing all living beings to thrive. This story conveys the ancient Chinese people's awe of nature and their contributions to human civilization.

4. 《夸父逐日》


Kua Fu is a heroic figure in ancient Chinese mythology, and his story of chasing the sun is widely known among the Chinese people. According to legend, Kua Fu had the ability to run extremely fast, and he decided to chase the sun. However, the sun was always ahead of him, and Kua Fu could never catch up. In the end, he exhausted himself and fell down at the foot of the current Qilian Mountains. This story reminds us that although humans possess great power, we must remain humble and respect the natural order.



Ancient mythology is a treasure of Chinese civilization, containing profound wisdom and philosophy. These stories not only reflect the ancient people's contemplation of the mysteries of the world but also form an important part of ancient culture. By understanding and inheriting these stories, we can better understand our cultural roots and incorporate this wisdom into modern society.