
蜘蛛侠(Spider-Man)是惊奇漫画(Marvel Comics)的超级英雄。是由Stan Lee和Steve Ditko两名作者创造的。蜘蛛侠本名叫Peter Benjamin Parker(彼得·本杰明·帕克)。Peter是一个孤儿,他和叔叔Ben和他的婶婶May一起生活。蜘蛛侠是一个纯粹的漫画角色,在这方面他有着特殊的本领,另一方面在平日里他又有着许多的麻烦和问题。除了漫画之外,蜘蛛侠也出现在电视、**、电玩游戏等媒体上。

Spider-Man (Spider-Man) is a Marvel Comics (Marvel Comics) superhero. By Stan Lee and Steve Ditko created by two authors. The name of Spider-Man Peter Benjamin Parker .Peter is an orphan, he and his uncle Ben and aunt May to live with. Spider-Man is a purely comic role in this regard, he has a special ability, and on the other weekdays, he has a lot of trouble and problems. In addition to comics, the Spider-Man also appeared in television, movies, video games and other media.