


, 更新2:

eg:egg tarts 蛋挞

,Coffee, tea with milk, red bean ice 咖啡、奶茶、红豆冰

Sandwich, cream toast 三文治、奶油多士

菠萝包、蛋挞 pineapple bread, the egg flog


飞砂走奶:斋啡,唔加砂糖同埋花奶 奶茶( *** 奶茶):茶餐厅必备嘅港式饮品。以香、滑、浓为标准 鸳鸯:咖啡加奶茶,香创 茶走、啡走: *** 奶茶或咖啡,唔加砂糖同埋花奶而改为加炼奶 好立克:麦类营养饮品嘅一种,又叫做「呵沥」 阿华田:可可豆类营养饮品嘅一种,又叫做「华田」 柠茶(柠檬加红茶):港式柠茶必定有几块切片柠檬喺杯入面。有啲人会叫「少甜」,即系叫水吧落少啲糖浆去杯嘢度 柠水(柠檬加糖浆水) 柠乐(柠檬加可乐) 柠七(柠檬加七喜) 咸柠七(咸柑桔、柠檬加七喜) 热柠乐(煲柠乐加姜),不过要额外加多两到五蚊不等 柠啡(柠檬加咖啡):香创 柠宾(柠檬加利宾纳):香创 汽水 牛奶:有鲜牛奶(鲜奶)和朱古力奶(朱奶) 奶水(牛奶加热水) 滚水蛋 唂咕(朱古力粉或可可粉加水) 杏仁霜 柚子茶 花旗参蜜 柠蜜(柠檬加西洋菊蜜) 西洋菜蜜 莲子鸳鸯冰 红豆冰 菠萝冰 薄荷宾治 什果宾治


mandarin duck: The coffee adds the tea with milk,

good sets up gram

Arab League Hua Tianning

the tea lemon to add the black tea

lemon water (lemon to sweeten starch)

the lemon happy (lemon Canada to be possible happy)

the lemon seven (lemon to add seven the salty lemon

happy) seven (salty sweet orange, lemon adds seven the hot lemon

happy (bao lemon Le Jiajiang the lemon fei

(lemon to add coffee) happy): West the Hong Kong original creation

lemon guest (lemon Gallie the Bynner

soft drink


breast milk

boiling water egg

(chocolate powder or cocoa watering)

the almond frost

shaddock tea

American flag senate honey

lemon honey (lemon adds dahlia honey)

the water honey

husked lotus mandarin duck ice

red bean ice

pineapple ice
