
青酱意面沙拉Green sauce Italian side salad

香菇萨拉米美味沙拉Delicious salami mushroom salad

佛罗伦萨吞拿鱼土豆沙拉Florence tuna potato salad

意式海鲜米饭沙拉Italian-style seafood rice salad

意大利火腿蜜瓜卷Italian ham with honeydew melon Volume

意大利火腿蜜瓜船Italian ham with honeydew melon boat

意式扒时蔬Pa when the Italian vegetables

泰式海鲜粉丝沙拉Thai seafood丝沙拉powder

清迈柠香鸡肉沙拉Xiang Ning Chiang Mai chicken salad

泰式水果沙拉Thai fruit salad

穆达汉桑巴鸡蛋沙拉 Samba Mukdahan egg salad

乌泰他尼炸鱼饼Uthai Thani fish cake

泰式咖喱椰奶烤鸡Thai chicken curry coconut milk


Business packages

small griskin in pot, eel rice, Fried eel chicken meal, garlic juice, French wine beef stew beef steak, New York, small braise in soy sauce sparerib, black pepper, curry chicken, pork, beef, supreme Hawaiian pizza pizza, ham sandwiches

Snacks such

Cashew nuts, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus almond peanuts, walnut crisp, hazel crisp green tea, oolong tea mei mei mei mei, jasmine, rose, green tea, coffee, melon seeds, melon seeds rose melon seeds, seaweed melon seeds, potatoes, tomatoes, popcorn

Porridge product tome

Preserved egg rolls, lean porridge, raw beef fillet roll porridge, rolling chicken porridge porridge, seafood, vegetables porridge, ham porridge, tremella LianZiZhou porridge

1.Arctic Surf Clams 北极贝

2.Balsamico 意大利黑醋汁

3.Pan Seared Duck Breast 油浸鸭胸

4.Pan-fried Flounder/ Pan-fried Basa

Lemon Pasta verde 香煎龙利鱼及柠檬意大利菠菜面

5.Farfalline with Seafood意大利海鲜炬蝴蝶面