
Beg cartoons in things of G pen, D pens, ink pens, cartoons, round the original writing paper, paper, feather esau, dot clouds form feet, etc

Ancient Chinese calligraphy is an art passed down three millennia ago, produced in the shang dynasty. "Four treasures of the study" is the pride of the Chinese nation. "Four" is a study, ancient Chinese will in the study four appliances, namely pens, ink, paper and ink-stone called "four treasures of the study".

"Pen" means the writing brush, is China's peculiar writing tools with animal hair, because is made, so called brushes, in the spring and autumn period has manufacturing and use.

"Ink" is used to write or draw, mostly with the ink get soot processing of pine burning.

"Paper" is one of the four great inventions of ancient China.

"Inkstone" the tools, grinding, is ancient ink is squeezing into strips, when using water in the ink stick exemplifies the grinding open will be.
