
民国时期皖北的灾荒及赈灾措施 ,对于想了解历史故事的朋友们来说,民国时期皖北的灾荒及赈灾措施是一个非常想了解的问题,下面小编就带领大家看看这个问题。


于文善; 吴海涛;
阜阳师范学院; 阜阳师范学院 安徽阜阳; 安徽阜阳;
【摘要】 民国时期皖北灾荒较前更为严重,几乎年年有灾,十年九荒。对灾荒影响最大的是洪涝灾害。依次是旱、蝗、瘟疫等灾荒。面对灾荒,国民政府和安徽地方政府也曾采取相应的措施救灾,但由于种种原因,赈灾的成效微乎其微,以至于给皖北区域经济的发展,政治的安定、社会的进步带来沉重的影响。该文主要探讨了民国时期皖北区域的灾荒及赈灾措施和成效。
【英文摘要】 There are more famine then before in the Republic of China.Namely there is nine famine in ten years.The vargest famine is waterflood.In order,there is drought,plague of locusts,pestilence.Face to the famine,National government and Anhui government ever take relevant measure to relieve it.But the effect of relieving the people in stricken area is a little,so as to bring the heavy affaction to Wan bei s economic development,politic safety and social progress.The article mainly discuss Wan bei s famine and the...