
《周礼》“灾荒”概念释义 ,对于想了解历史故事的朋友们来说,《周礼》“灾荒”概念释义是一个非常想了解的问题,下面小编就带领大家看看这个问题。


【摘要】 《周礼》中的灾荒概念为研究灾荒史者所熟知,并取得了丰硕的成果。学者们多以对灾荒概念的常识性认识为基础研究中国灾荒史,即从经验性常识认知原生态常识。这种认知虽然有逻辑上的合理性,但不能完全反映《周礼》灾荒概念的原貌。
【关键词】 《周礼》; 灾荒概念; 释义
Interpretation of Concept "Disaster and Famine" of "Zhou Li"
Qi Lei
【英文摘要】 Concept "Disaster" and "Famine" of "Zhou Li" was well known by those who study history of disaster and famine. The paper argues that as much of study on Chinese history of disaster and famine is based on scholars' general knowledge of concept "disaster and famine" , the original appearance of such concept of "Zhou Li" may be not reflected totally.
【英文关键词】 Zhou Li; Concept Disaster and Famine; Interpretation