读书-The Legalization of the Opium Trade before the Tre

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原文标题:The Legalization of the Opium Trade before the Tre

The Legalization of the Opium Trade before the Treaties of 1858
John K. Fairbank(费正清)
17 The Chinese Social and Political Science Review 215, 1933~1934(《中国社会及政治学报》1933年第17卷第2期)
读书-The Legalization of the Opium Trade before the Tre
读书-The Legalization of the Opium Trade before the Tre
1.The Interregnum of the 1850s.
2.The Opium Policy of the British Government
3.Chinese Enforcement of the Opium Prohibition.
4.The Proposals for Imperial Taxation of the Opium Trade.
5.The Taxation Effected by the Pronvincial Authorities:
a. Shanghai, 1855.
b. Ningpo, 1856.
c. Shanghai, 1856~7
d. Ningpo, 1857.
e. Foochow, 1857.
f. Amoy, 1857~8
g.Ningpom, 1858
6.An interpretation
全文阅读:The Legalization of the Opium Trade before the Treaties of 1858(《1858年条约以前鸦片贸易的合法化》).pdf
此文系费正清(John K. Fairbank)早期经典作品,发表于历史悠久的《中国社会及政治学报》(Chinese Social and Political Science Review)。该杂志是“中国社会政治学会”会刊,创刊于1916年,胡适为该刊题写刊名。而该学会又是中国最早的全国性的社会科学专业协会,1915年在北京成立。故该杂志所载诸文既是当年中国研究的经典文章,又可作为近代学术史史料来研读。


以上是关于读书-The Legalization of the Opium Trade before the Tre的介绍,希望对想了解历史故事的朋友们有所帮助。